Texture of A Dice: Cube Texture example

Texture of A Dice: Cube Texture example

We have provided a lot of tutorials about the textures on our blog. Some of which, we have

directly worked on the textures, and others that we have used the texture in our three.js

examples. However, in none of these examples we have had multi-texture objects, or in other

words, we have never faced a situation in which we had to place different textures for the different

sides or part of it. In this tutorial, we will work on an example that covers this situation. This

example includes designing a dice or a cube with different textures on each of the sides. To make

this happen, we should first download the image of each of the faces and then map them in the

materials onto the object.

As always, we begin with the basics and get started from creating the Vite plugin, to have all

all the necessary files inside our project folder and then will add the script related creating and

animating a dice. The project can be used when you want to style your website in a beautiful way

at the time the user is waiting for some process to get completed.

Getting started with the basics:

We are going to get started with the simple elements of a Three js scene including

the camera, the renderer, the scene, the object and the light source (if necessary).

Before we do that, we’d rather use the Vite plugin to be able to easily create all the

folders and file that you need to run the Three.js code. First off, create a folder in the

directory of your projects by using the following commands:

Coppied to clipboard.

mkdir DiceTexture

cd DiceTexture

Then, inside of the your project folder, create the necessary files and folders by

simply running the Vite plugin command:

Coppied to clipboard.

npm create vite@latest

Then enter the name of the project. You can write the name of your project as the

name. And also the package (the name is arbitrary and you can choose anything

that you want). Then select vanilla as the framework and variant. After that, enter the

following commands in the terminal:

Coppied to clipboard.

cd DiceTexture

npm install

Coppied to clipboard.

npm install three

Afterward, you can enter the javascript code that you want to write in the main.js

file. So, we will enter the base or template code for running every project with an

animating object, such as a sphere. Also do not forget to install the Three.js package

library every time create a project:

The code:

Now, enter the following script in the main.js file:

import * as THREE from '/node_modules/three/build/three.module.js'

import { Mesh } from 'three'

var camera, scene, renderer, dice, cube;



function init() {

renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer();

renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);


scene = new THREE.Scene();

camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(70, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 1, 1000);

camera.position.set(110, 110, 250);



var materials = ;

cube = new THREE.BoxGeometry(40, 40, 40);

dice = new THREE.Mesh(cube, materials );


const width = 20;

const height = 20;

const intensity = 2500;

const rectLight = new THREE.RectAreaLight( 0xffffff, intensity, width, height );

rectLight.position.set( 250, 250, 250 );

rectLight.lookAt(scene.position );

scene.add( rectLight )


function animate() {


dice.rotation.x += .05;

dice.rotation.y += .05;

dice.rotation.z += .05;

renderer.render(scene, camera);


Now if we save the code, and enter the following command in the terminal:

Coppied to clipboard.

npm run dev

We should see the following result:

Which is a rotating dice with a beautiful animation on all three axes.

Explaining the code:

In the above code, we set the camera, scene, and renderer. Then, we defined the

material of all the sides of the dice. The materials, load the texture related to any of

the sides. You can enter any photo with any design in the directory of the images.

Afterward, we created a cube using the BoxGeometry() function and added the

material to it. Notice that all of these codes up to here are written inside the init()

function. We wrote another function for the animation. And in the end, we executed

the 2 functions.


In this article, we have managed to create a dice with a certain kind of

animation in Three.js. This example required a certain kind of applying texture.

Meaning that we had to add different textures for different sides of the cube or the

dice. To do so, we added these texture images to six materials concerning the six

sides of the cube.

The example we worked on in this article was very simple but at the same

time was the question of many of those who had learned how to use different

kinds of textures but did not know how to apply different textures on different

sides of the same cube.

Download this Article in PDF format

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