#27 Restful API - Part 7 (Django Beginner to Intermediate Tutorials)

#27 Restful API - Part 7 (Django Beginner to Intermediate Tutorials)

Django Restful API (Part 7) In this part of the Django tutorials, you will learn how to create a restful API using Django rest framework. A restful API is a the key element of the larger projects in Django, where front-end and back-end are separated. For example you want to develop an application using Django and Vue.js. In this case, to develop the back-end you will need to create a RESTful API that outputs the data in form of JSON, XML, etc. A famous restful API project is creating a to-do list application. In this app we determine the task, completion status, timestamp, time of the last update and so on. In these seven videos you will learn all about the restful APIs, serialization and rest framework requests.

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