
Showing posts from September, 2024

#21 Cryptocurrencies Table - Part 1

How to create a webpage for displaying the cryptocurrencies data like CoinGeko? Welcome to the second season of the javaScript tutorials. In this series of tutorials we are going to cover more advanced videos about DOM, BOM, local storage, API, Ajax, callbacks, Async functions and so on. In this video you will practice the tools that we have learned so far by designing a webpage that shows cryptocurrencies in order of their market cap using the CoinGeckoAPI in a table with their price data, symbol, logo and name. Github Link for Sci-Fi-Games-UI-Elements-Pack: Github Link of the Project: API Link: Watch The Video on Youtube

#20 IP Location Tracking

How to Create a Web Page for Displaying the Location of an IP? Welcome to the second season of the JavaScript tutorials. In this series of tutorials, we are going to cover more advanced topics, including DOM, BOM, local storage, APIs, Ajax, callbacks, asynchronous functions, and more. In this video, you will practice the tools that we have learned so far by designing a webpage that displays the location of the IP address we are using. Github Link for Sci-Fi-Games-UI-Elements-Pack: Github Link of the Project: Watch The Video on Youtube

#19 How to Create a Web Page for Displaying IMDB Movies? (Part 2)

How to Create a Webpage for Displaying IMDB Movies? (Part 2) Welcome to the second season of the JavaScript tutorials. In this series of tutorials, we are going to cover more advanced topics, including DOM, BOM, local storage, APIs, Ajax, callbacks, asynchronous functions, and more. In this video, you will practice the tools that we have learned so far by designing a webpage that displays the top famous movies according to the IMDB website. We will use the Arashtad Sci-Fi-Games-UI-Elements-Pack repository to easily create beautiful cards and contain the movie details. Additionally, we will utilize a special API that helps us retrieve the movies in sequence along with their details. Github Link for Sci-Fi-Games-UI-Elements-Pack: Github Link of the Project: Link of the API Website: Watch The Video on Youtube

#18 How to Create a Web Page for Displaying IMDB Movies? (Part 1)

arashtad, js tutorials, javascript course, learn javascript, advanced javascript tutorials Welcome to the second season of the JavaScript tutorials. In this series of tutorials, we are going to cover more advanced topics, including DOM, BOM, local storage, APIs, Ajax, callbacks, asynchronous functions, and more. In this video, you will practice the tools that we have learned so far by designing a webpage that displays the top famous movies according to the IMDB website. We will use the Arashtad Sci-Fi-Games-UI-Elements-Pack repository to easily create beautiful cards and contain the movie details. Additionally, we will utilize a special API that helps us retrieve the movies in sequence along with their details. Github Link for Sci-Fi-Games-UI-Elements-Pack: Github Link of the Project: Link of the API Website: Watch The Video on Youtube http...

#17 Async/Await in JavaScript

Async/Await in JavaScript Welcome to the second season of the JavaScript tutorials. In this series of tutorials, we are going to cover more advanced topics, including DOM, BOM, local storage, APIs, Ajax, callbacks, asynchronous functions, and more. In this video, you will learn about async functions in JavaScript. We use these types of functions when we want a process to finish before moving on to the next one. They work exactly the same as Promises. Watch The Video on Youtube

#16 Promise in JavaScript

Promise in JavaScript Welcome to the second season of the JavaScript tutorials. In this series of tutorials, we are going to cover more advanced topics, including DOM, BOM, local storage, APIs, Ajax, callbacks, asynchronous functions, and more. In this video, you will learn about Promises in JavaScript. Although these days we primarily use async/await instead of Promises, we still prefer to teach them so that you will become familiar with the structure of a Promise as well. Watch The Video on Youtube

#15 AJAX in JavaScript

AJAX in JavaScript Welcome to the second season of the JavaScript tutorials. In this series of tutorials, we are going to cover more advanced topics, including DOM, BOM, local storage, APIs, AJAX, callbacks, asynchronous functions, and more. In this video, you will learn about AJAX in JavaScript. Although these days we primarily use API functions instead of AJAX, we still prefer to teach it so that you will become familiar with XML requests as well. IMDB API Link: Watch The Video on Youtube

#14 Callbacks in JavaScript

Callbacks in JavaScript Welcome to the second season of the JavaScript tutorials. In this series of tutorials, we are going to cover more advanced topics, including DOM, BOM, local storage, APIs, Ajax, callbacks, asynchronous functions, and more. In this video you will learn about callback functions in JavaScript. Watch The Video on Youtube

#13 TodoList In JavaScript

TodoList In JavaScript Welcome to the second season of the JavaScript tutorials. In this series of tutorials, we are going to cover more advanced topics, including DOM, BOM, local storage, APIs, Ajax, callbacks, asynchronous functions, and more. In this video, you will practice the tools that we have learned so far by designing a Todo List webpage using the Arashtad style. Github Link: Watch The Video on Youtube

#12 A Useful Project for Practicing DOM Events and Local Storage

A Useful Project for Practicing DOM Events and Local Storage Welcome to the second season of the JavaScript tutorials. In this series of tutorials, we are going to cover more advanced topics, including DOM, BOM, local storage, APIs, Ajax, callbacks, asynchronous functions, and more. In this video, you will practice the tools that we have learned so far by designing a login page that retrieves the username and password from the user and stores them in local storage. The tools that we will use are DOM, events, and local storage. Github Link: Watch The Video on Youtube

#11 Local Storage in JavaScript

Local Storage in JavaScript Welcome to the second season of the JavaScript tutorials. In this series of tutorials, we are going to cover more advanced topics, including DOM, BOM, local storage, APIs, Ajax, callbacks, asynchronous functions, and more. In this video, you will learn about local storage in JavaScript. Local storage is used for saving useful data, mostly from the user's browser, so that we can later use it for specific purposes. Watch The Video on Youtube

#10 BOM Tutorials - Part 2

BOM Tutorials - Part 2 Welcome to the second season of the JavaScript tutorials. In this series of tutorials, we are going to cover more advanced topics, including DOM, BOM, local storage, APIs, Ajax, callbacks, asynchronous functions, and more. In this video, you will learn about BOM, which stands for Browser Object Model. It helps you access and manipulate some of the parameters related to the browser, similar to the way DOM does. Watch The Video on Youtube

#9 BOM Tutorials - Part1

BOM Tutorials - Part1 Welcome to the second season of the JavaScript tutorials. In this series of tutorials, we are going to cover more advanced topics, including DOM, BOM, local storage, APIs, Ajax, callbacks, asynchronous functions, and more. In this video, you will learn about BOM, which stands for Browser Object Model. It helps you access and manipulate some of the parameters related to the browser, similar to the way DOM does. Watch The Video on Youtube

#8 Nodes in DOM

Nodes in DOM Welcome to the second season of the JavaScript tutorials. In this series of tutorials, we are going to cover more advanced topics, including DOM, BOM, local storage, APIs, Ajax, callbacks, asynchronous functions, and more. In this video, you will learn how to navigate through DOM elements and explore concepts such as nodes, child nodes, parent nodes, and more. Watch The Video on Youtube

#7 Navigation in DOM

Navigation in DOM Welcome to the second season of the JavaScript tutorials. In this series of tutorials, we will cover more advanced topics, including DOM, BOM, local storage, APIs, Ajax, callbacks, asynchronous functions, and more. In this video, you will learn how to navigate through DOM elements and explore concepts such as nodes, child nodes, parent nodes, and more. Watch The Video on Youtube

#6 DOM Query Selector and Query Selector All

DOM Query Selector and Query Selector All Welcome to the second season of the JavaScript tutorials. In this series of tutorials, we are going to cover more advanced topics, including DOM, BOM, local storage, APIs, Ajax, callbacks, and asynchronous functions. In this video, you will learn how to work with 'querySelector' and 'querySelectorAll' as alternative functions to get elements by ID, tag name, or class name. Watch The Video on Youtube

#5 DOM AddEventListener

DOM AddEventListener Welcome to the second season of the JavaScript tutorials. In this series of tutorials, we are going to cover more advanced topics such as DOM, BOM, local storage, APIs, Ajax, callbacks, and asynchronous functions. In this video, you will learn how to use the 'addEventListener' inside your JavaScript code. 'addEventListener' works the same way as events, with the difference that it is written next to the JavaScript code rather than inside HTML tags. Watch The Video on Youtube

How to Access and Manipulate Images and Forms Using DOM?

How to Access and Manipulate Images and Forms Using DOM? Welcome to the second season of the JavaScript tutorials. In this series of tutorials, we are going to cover more advanced topics, including DOM, BOM, local storage, API, Ajax, callbacks, async functions, and so on. In this video, you will learn how to manipulate and access images and forms using the DOM. In other words, we will see how we can change images and edit forms using the Document Object Model. Watch The Video on Youtube

#4 DOM Styles and Events

DOM Styles and Events Welcome to the second season of the JavaScript tutorials. In this series of tutorials, we are going to cover more advanced topics, including DOM, BOM, local storage, API, Ajax, callbacks, async functions, and so on. In this video, you will learn how to apply different styles to your HTML document using the DOM. Afterwards, you will learn how to handle various events such as mouse clicks, button clicks, mouseovers, and so on. Watch The Video on Youtube

#2 DOM Elements

DOM Elements Welcome to the second season of the JavaScript tutorials. In this series of tutorials, we are going to cover more advanced topics, including DOM, BOM, local storage, API, Ajax, callbacks, async functions, and so on. In this video, you will learn about DOM elements and how to work with them. There are many ways in which you can retrieve HTML elements. In this video, we will cover most of them. Watch The Video on Youtube

#1 DOM Introduction

DOM Introduction Welcome to the second season of the JavaScript tutorials. In this series of tutorials, we are going to cover more advanced topics, including DOM, BOM, local storage, API, Ajax, callbacks, async functions, and so on. In this video, you will learn about DOM and BOM concepts, what they are, and why we need them in JavaScript Watch The Video on Youtube

#59 Chart - Part 7 (Django Beginner to Intermediate Tutorials)

How to Add Charts to a Django Project Welcome to another part of the django tutorials. In this part you will learn how to create and render line chart and bargraph from the data of the database using chart.js. The example that we will work on, is the blood pressure of a patient whose data can be recorded in the admin panel and then the charts can be rendered accordingly. Watch The Video on Youtube

#58 Chart - Part 6 (Django Beginner to Intermediate Tutorials)

How to Add Charts to a Django Project Welcome to another part of the django tutorials. In this part you will learn how to create and render line chart and bargraph from the data of the database using chart.js. The example that we will work on, is the blood pressure of a patient whose data can be recorded in the admin panel and then the charts can be rendered accordingly. Watch The Video on Youtube

#57 Chart - Part 5 (Django Beginner to Intermediate Tutorials)

How to Add Charts to a Django Project Welcome to another part of the django tutorials. In this part you will learn how to create and render line chart and bargraph from the data of the database using chart.js. The example that we will work on, is the blood pressure of a patient whose data can be recorded in the admin panel and then the charts can be rendered accordingly. Watch The Video on Youtube

#56 Chart - Part 4 (Django Beginner to Intermediate Tutorials)

How to Add Charts to a Django Project Welcome to another part of the django tutorials. In this part you will learn how to create and render line chart and bargraph from the data of the database using chart.js. The example that we will work on, is the blood pressure of a patient whose data can be recorded in the admin panel and then the charts can be rendered accordingly. Watch The Video on Youtube