#21 Cryptocurrencies Table - Part 1

#21 Cryptocurrencies Table - Part 1

How to create a webpage for displaying the cryptocurrencies data like CoinGeko? Welcome to the second season of the javaScript tutorials. In this series of tutorials we are going to cover more advanced videos about DOM, BOM, local storage, API, Ajax, callbacks, Async functions and so on. In this video you will practice the tools that we have learned so far by designing a webpage that shows cryptocurrencies in order of their market cap using the CoinGeckoAPI in a table with their price data, symbol, logo and name. Github Link for Sci-Fi-Games-UI-Elements-Pack: https://github.com/arashtad/Sci-Fi-Games-UI-Elements-Pack Github Link of the Project: https://github.com/arashtad/Arashtad-Online-Crypto-Data-Table API Link: https://api.coingecko.com/api/v3/coins/markets?vs_currency=usd&order=market_cap_desc&per_page=100&page=1&sparkline=false

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